It's a great cartoon, but it reminds me again how unfortunate it is that the Republicans have sullied the image of that magnificent animal, the elephant, by adopting it as their symbol. It would have been more appropriate if they'd chosen the dodo -- an animal similar to a turkey, with a great big mouth and an IQ about equal to that of a potato, and it's extinct.
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That cartoon is FANTASTIC! It's dead on the way it mocks their "pro-life" stance. Thanks for the laugh Conrad. MB
It's a great cartoon, but it reminds me again how unfortunate it is that the Republicans have sullied the image of that magnificent animal, the elephant, by adopting it as their symbol. It would have been more appropriate if they'd chosen the dodo -- an animal similar to a turkey, with a great big mouth and an IQ about equal to that of a potato, and it's extinct.
Infidel since they already think that Obama is a tyrant, maybe he could just dictate that Republicans must adopt the dodo as their new mascot.
Thanks Michael. Glad you liked it.
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